Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas movie's

Ok so here's the deal, I'm a little tired of all the christmas show's and truley are they good shows for our little ones to be watching? If you have not turley sat down and watched these in a while I encourage you to do so. I sat down with Olivia last night to watch Charlie Browns christmas, they called poor Charlie Brown stupid almost the whole movie? Every time they would use these words Olivia would look at me and have great big eyes and I would confirm that those are not words we use. Also the other night rudolph was on and I was dieing over all the politically incorrect things that were said on that show. So do I egnore in the name of holiday spirit or not?


wendy said...

Emma I love you and your spelling is outrageous------but that is part of your charm. It is good to sit with the kids to watch the shows that way you can explain to them what is appropriate and its a chance to "teach". You watch, and enjoy the "spirit" of the show ---and keep teaching.
KEEP BLOGGING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emma said...

wait a minute I thought I spelt everthing right?

Travis & Leslie Doman said...

Don't worry I always have to use spell check, We love you. but no kidding shows are unreal, have the shows on for kids would have given me nightmares when i was a kid! I think people are so numb to horrific things these days!!!!! but Em you spell egnore, ignore!! ha ha im sure it was just a computer slip. I am so glad you Blog now, now i can chat with you more.

Becky said...

It was great seeing everybody tonight. I haven't watched some of those shows for a while, but I loved them as a kid and that makes me sad that they really aren't that good...

Doman Family said...

I havn't watched them forever it seems like, I always forget to record them. Thanks for the warrning, I will sit with the kids when the year comes that we actually get to sit down and watch the clasics. (I am the worrst speller so don't worry)