Saturday, February 6, 2010


Well nothing much has been happen en in the Lemke house, just a lot of cleaning up after kids and waiting for the weather to get warmer!!!! Please hurry and get warmer please ,please, please!!!!

Earlier this week we had a couple of warmish day's. I was so ready to get out of the house. I bundled the girls in winter coats and headed to the park. Our neighbor hood has community walkways and parks, so we didn't have to go far for a little fun! Wow it was so nice to go to the park. The girls were all giggles and they loved every minute. They swung on the swings and laughed and laughed, so did I. It made my heart happy that they were happy. I am glad that when you let the little things in how much they can mean in your life!!!

The warmish weather gave me about 40 min. of free time today. Grace was the first one out side. She went out with the dog with no shoes or a coat. I got her back in the house and putt the proper things on her and sent her back out, ahhhhhh she played and played. I was so happy, I picked up the phone to call my mom and we talked the whole time no interruption's. Wow it was nice to talk to my mom, I love her and miss her so much!!! So while I'm visiting with my mom and telling her how cute Gracelyn is, I look out and I see her drinking a juice box while she is sitting in her little play house. The only problem is, I didn't give her a juice box!!!! She must have found one left over from wow who only knows how long ago!!!!! YUCK YUCK but all is well!!

So here is to stuff that makes the day's go bye and to warmer day's to come.



Karen Mello Burton said...

I am SOOOO anxious for Spring that every morning I get up and look out the window hoping to see daffodils. No luck yet :(

Connie said...

We took our school kids outside this week. They acted the same way as your little ones. It makes my heart happy to think Spring will be here soon. Today the snow is staying in the mountains! That's a good sign, right?
I can imagine that you miss your fun mom.

claudie said...

Don't you live in Utah? Spring? Isn't that like months away? It is here.... months away I mean.
I can only imagine what a nice conversation you had with your mom. How really nice isn't it? Did you fight with her at one point in your life? Like my daughter? She was around 16-17-18-...OMGOSH.. it's better now, but not quite, but close.
Love ya little Lemke's.
Love Claudie

CB said...

I'm glad you were able to have some outside time and some mom time!

I think those days spent with little kids sometimes feel like they are long but what a precious time they are. As I was reading your post I was thinking of the days when my kids were little and life was simple and we could walk to the park - great memories.

Have a wonderful weekend!


wendy said...

Oh Emma, I loved the comment "it made my heart happy that they were happy". That's what parenting is all about. I remember a saying that said 'A MOTHER IS ONLY AS HAPPY AS HER SADDEST CHILD'
we want them happy and joyful as that is the kind of life we try to suround them with.

and p.s. Claudie ---Yes, there was a spell where Emma was a little "challenging" but we survived those times and ARE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. I love her more then you can imagine.

and here's to spring --whenever she decides to come

Ann Marie said...

We enjoyed those "fresh air" days too! The sun! The sun!
My kids thought they needed otter pops. I wish.

Too funny about the juice box.
Kids are so innocent. :)

I promise I will try and get the book over to your work this week. It's been CRAZY around here! I promise.. I havent forgot about you!

Becky said...

I hope that groundhog was wrong, too! I love the warmer days.

kado! said...

it is COLD here..and a HUGE snow storm is set to hit us on Wednesday...but I LOVE being snowed I'm OK with it! ;)

gigi said...

Emma you are so cute and such a great little mama :)
I think we are all praying for an early spring, we just can't help it we love being warm. Warm mind you not HOT!!!

mCat said...

This would be one more reason I really detest spring in UT. One day it's beautiful and teasing you of spring. The next is 2 inches of snow.....

gah! Oh well, I guess we shoul enjoy the warm days when we can!

H.K. said...

I couldn't help but crack up when I read about your daughter drinking juice for who know how long it's been out reminds me of my son when he used to find used gum and start chewing it-yuck!

kanishk said...

Love ya little Lemke's
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