Friday, January 8, 2010


Ok so here is the deal, Sometimes I don't know what to say. For a girl who loves to talk I know it's hard to understand that I Emma have nothing to say. Ok I have lots of things to say I just don't know how to write it down so that you think it is interesting. For one thing you all know I can't spell and I tend to have run on sentences. I'll try to get better, but writing has never been my thing, I do things with my hands but it usually is not holding a pencil, or typing on the computer.

I always have a story about my family, the girls, husband and the damn dog keeping me busy, but I don't think you want to read it all the time so I don't write.

Also I do most of my blog stocking in the morning on the couch will my girl watch cartoons, on my husbands computer, so I can't post pictures. So when I have a story have to go to the basement to do that and my basement is cold so I don't like to go!!

My mom was here for the holiday and we were so busy and I have lots to say just not sure how to say it.

So I will try to be better and post OK!!


Barbaloot said...

I'm the same as you...sometimes I have things going on, just nothing to say.

Ann Marie said...

I hope this isn't stemmed from my post! I'm sorry if it made you feel bad..

I had a friend in Germany quit blogging with no explanation last March. Well.. she's back now.. and I have been worried for 1/2 of the year that her husband killed her.. ( she isn't in a good relationship ) -- so that's where I am getting at.

Post when you want to...

I do miss your posts and comments.. but realize that blogging isn't the most important thing ever!

I wish I could have seen you and your Mom in person over the holidays.. next time right? We need to have ourselves some fun and a good chat!

Have a good weekend!

kado! said...

hey...I LOVE run-on sentences...that is just how I talk in real it is how I type here in my own personal blog too!!! ;) So that is ALL good! ...and the spelling thing...I could not live without the spell check is my best friend!!

glad you and your mom had a blast!

heather said...

If I had to go to the cold basement to post, I'd be a May-August blogger only. :)

Emma said...

Anne don't worry Your post just got me thinking that's all!!!!

I wish we could have gotten together when my mom was in town but we had no time she kept me very busy!!!

claudie said...

Atta girl Emma.
Not to worry, I surely would NOT go to the basement to blog. Ours is freezing right now.
The other thing is when I was your age, I wouldn't have had ANY time to do this. Maybe timing is just wrong right now.
As for writing, I'm learning as I go with a very understanding, well read, great speller husband, so that helps BIG TIME. Trust me on that one.
Your mom seems to be able to write and write with no pictures. I on the other hand have to have pictures... very visual lol.
Just post a "I'm alive" one a week, that's all. We just want to know your ok & doing alright.
You know, pics of your kiddos is always refreshing.
Love ya, & your mom should be shot for keeping you so darn busy LOL
Love Claudie
P.S. Hope you don't have to go to the basement to pick up this comment lol I'll feel bad : (

Connie said...

I have checked your blog a couple of times, wondering if you were still here and you are! I was hoping to find out how things went with your mom, how your fam is doing, etc. etc.
I have many things going on but I wonder if what I post is what anyone cares about then I think it shouldn't matter because I'm posting for me...then I know I'm really not. If I was posting only for my sake I'd just keep a journal. Yeah, it's a mixed bag but I'm glad you're back. And I'm done rambling.

wendy said...

Emma, my darling daughter, after spending 2 weeks at your house, I know HOW BUSY you are. You are a devoted mom and wife and that is what is most important.
You have interesting things to tell us ---tell hubby to get your own laptop so you can blog on your own website (not his Mac)
but don't tell him I said that or he won't let me come visit (tee,hee)

cally said...

Don't sweat it Emma. A good long pause in the posts makes us want it more, and so when you do post we're all excited and giddy and leave lots of comments.

I want to come see you.

CB said...

Hey Blogging is supposed to be fun so no sweat! I took a break over Christmas and sometimes I am just busy too. Life come first!
Blog when you feel the urge or when the basement gets warmer (giggle). We'll all still be around - We follow you now, you cannot get rid of us!! hee hee

Kelly said...

No, I don't think I'd be a cold basement blogger either. Blog when you can and want to and don't worry about it the rest of the time.

Have a good weekend!

gigi said...

I'm saying, "JUST DO IT" we can take it, I promise :)
Just treat it like your journal and write it down. Don't worry about us do it for your girls and yourself. No one else really matters and this is not a contest.
We love you or we wouldn't stop by to check on you.
So when ever you aren't cleaning up behind your house full just tell us a sweet or funny story. I know those precious girls are all the time saying funny things, we love that.
ps: I can't spell either, thank the good Lord for spell check, he made it for me :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

We all go through those dry spells in writing. Is it interesting? Is it well-done? Etc. I am on a personal challenge to write everyday for a year, so I am constantly thinking, through out the day, "would that be a good blog post?" I am driving myself crazy!!!!

kaTie said...

keep up the blogging girl! i love to see you post!

and yes, i'm prego... again. can you believe it?!?!?!?!?! i guess there's not too much to do when you live in the sticks. lol.

hope you guys had a great christmas and new years!

Nana said...

O.K. I don't blame you for not wanting to go down into the cold basement!